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Marketing & Outreach Programs

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Marketing and outreach programs are critical for congregations that want to grow and thrive.

At the Center for Congregations, we believe in the power of community, and we’re dedicated to helping congregations connect with their communities at large. Marketing and outreach programs are critical for congregations that want to grow and thrive. The Center for Congregations offers free consulting for congregational leaders who are interested in expanding their marketing and outreach efforts. Center staff work with congregational leaders to develop strategies for marketing and outreach programs, evaluating their plans overtime, and making changes as necessary.

The marketing and outreach needs of congregations are very different from that of a traditional business. Therefore, it is prudent for faith leaders to partner with professionals who have experience in this area. Using our connections, Center experts recommend marketing agencies and consultants who are familiar working with the unique needs of congregations. We connect faith leaders with resources and even provide grants to fund community outreach programs and initiatives.