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Easter 2023: Celebrate the unheralded moments of your congregation.

This week, many of the congregations the Center for Congregations serves in Indiana are moving through Holy Week and preparing for an Easter 2023 celebration.

Congregations are essential to those who participate and to the local community. Every day we hear stories that reveal what is good and faithful with Indiana congregations.

Ahead of Easter the stories have come forth. A congregation:

  • holds Lent classes on spiritual disciplines;
  • takes to the streets on Palm Sunday, waving palm leaves and singing spirituals;
  • considers neuro-diversity as changes to the building are planned;
  • leaves for Selma after Easter to learn more about the civil rights movement;
  • determines how to hold a community meal every Thursday throughout the summer;
  • votes to give 20% of the funds raised during a capital campaign to the local hunger task force.

Your congregation has its own story; reconciliation between two people, or moments in worship when the distance between heaven and earth is bridged. Such moments will not be clickbait for an online newspaper. Such transcendent moments are sometimes too deep to put into words.

Beyond Easter, in the days ahead, there is much to do; bills need to be paid, the church grounds require springtime attention, volunteers are needed for Vacation Bible School, and much more.

Yes, you have many congregational topics to address.

For now, though, celebrate Easter 2023. Celebrate the often unheralded moments of your congregation. Hold in your soul the difference your congregation makes in your community.

All else on your congregation’s calendar can wait for now. The Center will be ready when you are.

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